Saturday 22 October 2011


How to make Bubbles

A.      Bubbles for Kids
a.       ½ cup dishwashing detergent
b.      4  cups water
c.        4  table spoon of corn syrup

B.      Bubble for fun
a.       ½  cup of liquid dishwashing detergent
b.      3/4 cup water
c.       1 ½ tablespoons light corn syrup

C.      Super bubbles
a.       1 Cup of distilled water
b.      2 table spoon of liquid dish washing detergent
c.       ½ table spoon of Sugar
d.      ½ spoon of glycerine or corn syrup

                   Keep the mixture in a container in refrigerator and don’t disturbed for at least 24 hours. After 24 hours just have fun with bubbles.

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