Thursday, 27 October 2011

Through this I will provide informations and instruction on simple chemistry tricks and experiments which are fun and knowlegeable. I will try to provide the chemistry behind them.All these are my own designs and concepts and hope it will help in making chemistry popular. Some of them

  • Chemical reaction that changes colour
  • Black light and florescence
  • Hydrogen balloons that really fly
  • A garden of chemicals in an aquarium pot
  • Oscillating chemical reaction, a chemical clock

Good night,Happy Diwali

My Bubbles

Just mix a spoon of honey with half cup of liquid soap and blow big bubbles. I creted few bubbles on petridish, cup and bubble can. The photographs are taken by my wife Rashmi. I simply blowed the solution with a straw pipe to make a foam and then selected one of the small bubble and blowed air through it vey slowly. The same process can be done for more than one bubble to create doublet and quartets. Happy bubbling.

Saturday, 22 October 2011


How to make Bubbles

A.      Bubbles for Kids
a.       ½ cup dishwashing detergent
b.      4  cups water
c.        4  table spoon of corn syrup

B.      Bubble for fun
a.       ½  cup of liquid dishwashing detergent
b.      3/4 cup water
c.       1 ½ tablespoons light corn syrup

C.      Super bubbles
a.       1 Cup of distilled water
b.      2 table spoon of liquid dish washing detergent
c.       ½ table spoon of Sugar
d.      ½ spoon of glycerine or corn syrup

                   Keep the mixture in a container in refrigerator and don’t disturbed for at least 24 hours. After 24 hours just have fun with bubbles.

IYC 2011

Friday, 21 October 2011

Chemistry is the Science of Colours

Once as a child I was so much  fascinated by the colour of  a wild flower that I took it home and started thinking of ways to extract it. My uncle told me that in ancient times people dyed their clothes with natural colours from flowers , roots and bark of trees. Under his guidance I boiled the wild flower in water and kept the blood red coloured water in my bookself for years.Can we extract the colours of the mud,the soil and the leaves? What are these colours? How the colour disappear when the plant dies? It was this inquisitiveness that I coloured my life with chemistry.